**Our agency typically contacts the following sources to obtain information about Lifebooks. Examples of the materials we request are listed under each section**
> Previous foster home/group home/residential center/day care/respite provider/mentors
- Photo of the foster family
- Photo of the home/facility and staff
- Photos of the children while in placement at each location
- Letters of encouragement and support to the child
- Possible memorabilia and artwork
> Birth Family (birth parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, etc)
- Photos of themselves, other relatives, siblings, pets, etc
- Photos of the children from birth to present
- A letter to the child sharing their thoughts and memories of the child (as deemed appropriate)
- Any memorabilia, artwork, baby items, etc
> Schools
- Yearbook pictures
- Report cards
- Photo of the school
- Photos of teachers
- Letter or memories from personnel
> Hospitals
- Photo of the hospital
- Possible photo of the delivering doctor
> Guardian ad Litem/Social Worker
- Photo of themselves
- A letter to the child from GAL/SW
- Photos of the child
- Any additional information